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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Computer lessons anyone?

When I was young, the mouse was an animal and windows were the rectangle shaped openings of our house.  Now, the Webster's dictionary has added lots of words in it.  The computer at that time was the one I use when I play video games like Mario brothers.  Tin tin tin tin nin tin! It's was called Nintendo then.  The first time I touched the computer was when I was on first year college, I think about  20 years ago? I still remember when we had to make our Econometric model and rent at a computer shop and we used Lotus 123 and WordStar.  Say goodbye to your work when you hear a demonic laugh! Wala! A virus has bit your floppy disk.  I learned a lot about computers when I was working.  I have no choice because I will be left behind if I won't.
Nowadays, my 3 year old son knows how to use the computer.  He knows the different parts of the computer.  Sometimes I am amazed when he tells me, "Mom, look at that, that's youtube! Scary isn't it?  He can play online games in Y8, Y3, and others. My 6 year old son can now chat with his aunt in the US.  He was so excited when he first did it.  Of course, he doesn't his password.  We created an account for him, but I did not give him his password, I told him my fingers memorized it.  So I need to use my fingers to enter it.  I don't know until when would he realize that I intended not to give it to him.  Someday he will understand. Yes! I allow them to use the computer, but with controlled time and proper guidance.  The computer is not their nanny.  We make sure somebody is with them when surfing the net.  Sometimes there is a mini-civil war in front of the computer.  Fighting over who's going to use the computer at a certain period of time.  What I did? They have 15 minutes interval each.  It is written on paper.  My eldest knows how to read and follows instructions well so nobody cheats.  I can't either.  I will be given the worst accusation of not following my schedule if I won't.  And that's bad influence and they can always think that it is OK not to follow instructions.  
They can't use the computer from 1230pm to 5:00 pm because it is nap time.  7:00pm to 8:00pm is forbidden because it's dinner time.  They can't also use the computer unless they took a bath, I make sure that their eyes are not tired when they take a bath.  So when can they use the computer.  9am to 12nn, 5pm to 7pm and 8pm to 9pm.  That's enough for them.  They can't go over 9:00pm because that is their sleeping time.  Sometimes I ask them to take a break so I can check the stock market.  My 3 year old son knows the website, and he is excited to show me that he knows the site that I am going to check.  So when do I usually use the internet?  When they are asleep.  There was a time when my son asked me to buy him his own laptop with internet so he can use it anytime.  What a request from a turning 6 year old.  For others they can easily give in, but for me, it's too early.  
It is us parents who can teach our children what to do, who can control them on the things they can, and guide them on their capabilities.  How do you guide yours?

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